
Tortelli piacentini ricotta e spinaci

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza

Fresh hand made egg pasta filled with ricotta and spinach

Tortelli piacentini ricotta e spinaci
Tortelli from Piacenza – ingredients:

Pasta 50%: soft wheat flour type 00, durum wheat, egg 18%, water.

Filling 50%: ricotta 69% (whey, cream, milk, salt), Parmesan (milk, salt, rennet, lyzozyme), spinach 10%, bread crumbs (soft wheat flour type 0; yeast, salt), potato flakes ( dehydrated potatoes (99%), spices, salt, nutmeg.

Cooking time: 3 minutes

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza recipe


For the filling:
200g spinach
250g ricotta cheese
50 g parmesan
1 egg yolk

10 g butter
1 clove garlic
salt and pepper q.s.

For the pasta:
300 g flour
3 eggs
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of oil


To make the dough, form the flour with a small fountain with a hole in the middle, break your eggs, add salt and mix with a fork by dropping gradually the flour in the center. When will begin to thicken, add the oil and continue to knead at length with your hands until you get a ball hard and smooth. Divide the dough into four pieces, put them in a sealed plastic bag and store in the fridge for half an hour.

For the filling, put the ricotta cheese to drain in a colander to make them lose the excess whey. Meanwhile, blanch the spinach for 5 minutes in boiling salted water.
In a skillet, brown the garlic in butter until it begins to foam.
Drain the spinach and saute for 5 minutes in the pan with the garlic. If necessary, add a little water to facilitate cooking. Once cooked spinach, to evaporate all the water remaining in the pan in order to dry as possible the vegetable. Remove the garlic and let cool.
In a mixer, whisk together the ricotta and Parmesan cheese, egg yolk, a generous sprinkling of nutmeg, a pinch of salt and a little ‘pepper. Add the spinach and blend until coarsely chopped mix all ingredients. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible, ricavandovi of squares of about 7 cm per side. Place the center of each square a teaspoon of filling, place the square of dough on hand and fold in one of the corners. Overlap the side flaps towards the center, alternating between them in order to form a kind of braid light pressure. When you reach the end of the final tortello solder paste at the “tail”. As you will form the ravioli, place them on a floured thoroughly without letting them touch each other.

Other products from Pastificio Fontana

Traditional recipes made ​​with the most innovative systems of production and storage of the product.

In the laboratories of the pasta factory Fontana technology is at the service of the craftsman and joined him in a production where many steps are still done entirely by hand.

The result is a pasta with flavor and texture typical of fresh homemade pasta.

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Tortelli piacentini ricotta e spinaci

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza

Fresh hand made egg pasta filled with ricotta and spinach

Tortelli piacentini ricotta e spinaci
Tortelli from Piacenza – ingredients:

Pasta 50%: soft wheat flour type 00, durum wheat, egg 18%, water.

Filling 50%: ricotta 69% (whey, cream, milk, salt), Parmesan (milk, salt, rennet, lyzozyme), spinach 10%, bread crumbs (soft wheat flour type 0; yeast, salt), potato flakes ( dehydrated potatoes (99%), spices, salt, nutmeg.

Cooking time: 3 minutes

Tortelli with ricotta and spinach from Piacenza recipe


For the filling:
200g spinach
250g ricotta cheese
50 g parmesan
1 egg yolk

10 g butter
1 clove garlic
salt and pepper q.s.

For the pasta:
300 g flour
3 eggs
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of oil


To make the dough, form the flour with a small fountain with a hole in the middle, break your eggs, add salt and mix with a fork by dropping gradually the flour in the center. When will begin to thicken, add the oil and continue to knead at length with your hands until you get a ball hard and smooth. Divide the dough into four pieces, put them in a sealed plastic bag and store in the fridge for half an hour.

For the filling, put the ricotta cheese to drain in a colander to make them lose the excess whey. Meanwhile, blanch the spinach for 5 minutes in boiling salted water.
In a skillet, brown the garlic in butter until it begins to foam.
Drain the spinach and saute for 5 minutes in the pan with the garlic. If necessary, add a little water to facilitate cooking. Once cooked spinach, to evaporate all the water remaining in the pan in order to dry as possible the vegetable. Remove the garlic and let cool.
In a mixer, whisk together the ricotta and Parmesan cheese, egg yolk, a generous sprinkling of nutmeg, a pinch of salt and a little ‘pepper. Add the spinach and blend until coarsely chopped mix all ingredients. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible, ricavandovi of squares of about 7 cm per side. Place the center of each square a teaspoon of filling, place the square of dough on hand and fold in one of the corners. Overlap the side flaps towards the center, alternating between them in order to form a kind of braid light pressure. When you reach the end of the final tortello solder paste at the “tail”. As you will form the ravioli, place them on a floured thoroughly without letting them touch each other.

Other products from Pastificio Fontana

Traditional recipes made ​​with the most innovative systems of production and storage of the product.

In the laboratories of the pasta factory Fontana technology is at the service of the craftsman and joined him in a production where many steps are still done entirely by hand.

The result is a pasta with flavor and texture typical of fresh homemade pasta.

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Caramelle di pasta fresca

Spinach and ricotta caramelle

Spinach and ricotta caramelle

Fresh egg pasta filled with a ricotta and spinach base

caramelle ricotta e spinaci
Spinach and ricotta caramelle – ingredients:

Pasta 60%: soft wheat flour type 00, durum wheat, egg 18%, water.

Filling 40%: ricotta 62% (whey, cream, milk, salt), bread crumbs (soft wheat flour type 0, yeast, salt), spinach 9%, Parmesan (milk, salt, rennet, lyzozyme), potato flakes (dehydrated potatoes (99%), spices), salt, sunflower oil, natural seasoning, nutmeg.

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Spinach and ricotta caramelle recipe


For pasta:
400 grams of flour type 00
4 eggs
a pinch of salt

250 g Fresh spinach (already cooked and drained 100 g)
125g ricotta vaccine
Salt q.s.

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
50g grated Parmesan cheese
Pepper q.s.


To prepare the candy started with ricotta and spinach pasta to the egg, sift the flour on a work surface, preferably wooden, place the flour, creating a dimple in the center, add a pinch of salt and place the eggs in the center for a time. Beat the eggs and incorporate the dough from the inside, you work with your hands until dough is smooth and elastic. If the dough is very stiff, add 3-4 tablespoons of warm water. Form a ball, place it in a bowl and let rest, covered with a dry cloth for an hour. While the pasta rest, spend to prepare the filling: Boil the spinach in a little salted water or steam them or simply let them jump over a low heat in a pan. Then squeeze and chop finely. Put the chopped spinach in a bowl in which you will add the ricotta and Parmesan, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients until the mixture is soft but firm.

Roll out the pasta into a very thin sheet, and cut into rectangles the size of 10×8 cm. At the center of each rectangle of dough, place a teaspoon of the filling and roll the dough over itself from the long side.
Now shaped your candy, turn clockwise and counter-clockwise right edge to the left, as if to close the card candy. Cut the outer edges of both the flaps with a notched wheel.

Once you have modeled all the candies, place them on a floured work surface and let them dry for about an hour. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, in the meantime in a pan gild the sage leaves in butter. Once cooked, drain the candy and season with butter and sage and grated Parmesan cheese to taste. Your candy ricotta and spinach are ready to be served.

Other products from Pastificio Fontana

Traditional recipes made ​​with the most innovative systems of production and storage of the product.

In the laboratories of the pasta factory Fontana technology is at the service of the craftsman and joined him in a production where many steps are still done entirely by hand.

The result is a pasta with flavor and texture typical of fresh homemade pasta.

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chicche di pasta fresca

Spinach chicche

Spinach chicche

Fresh pasta with a spinach base

Spinach chicche – ingredients:

Gnocchi mixture 48% (potato flour 66% (potatoes, emulsifiers. mono and diglycerides of fatty acids (E 471), potassium and sodium di-phosphates (E450), antioxidants: sodium metabisulfite (E 223), sorbic acid (E 220), ascorbyl palmitate (E 304), spices, acidity regulator: citric acid (E330), corn starch, wheat starch, salt, soft wheat flour, skimmed powdered milk, powdered egg yolk, seasonings), water, spinach powder, sorbic acid.

Cooking time: 1 minute

Spinach chicche recipe


1 kg. potato
300 gr. ricotta
300 gr. white flour
200 gr. spinach or chard
150 gr. Parmesan
1 egg – salt


Boil and finely chop the spinach (if you use the herbs to calculate the standard deviation of the central coast and consequently increase the amount a bit).
Pass the ricotta seteccio and add the egg, chopped spinach and Parmesan cheese, mixing well. Adjust salt.

Boil and pass the potatoes, mix them on a work surface with the ricotta mixture adding flour until you have a firm dough.
Form of cylinders the thickness of a finger, cut into pieces about an inch and flour them.

The goodies are ready to be cooked: boil them in salted boiling water, scolandole when rising to the surface.

Other products from Pastificio Fontana

Traditional recipes made ​​with the most innovative systems of production and storage of the product.

In the laboratories of the pasta factory Fontana technology is at the service of the craftsman and joined him in a production where many steps are still done entirely by hand.

The result is a pasta with flavor and texture typical of fresh homemade pasta.

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Ravioloni di pasta fresca all’uovo

Ravioloni ricotta e spinaci

Ravioloni ricotta e spinaci

Pasta fresca all’uovo estrusa con ripieno a base di ricotta e spinaci

Ravioloni ricotta e spinaci
Ravioloni ricotta e spinaci – ingredienti:

Pasta 50%: semola di grano duro, uovo 24%, acqua.

Ripieno 50%: ricotta 34,5% (siero di latte, crema di latte, latte, sale), spinaci 26%, Grana Padano (latte, sale, caglio, lisozima), cipolla, burro, pane grattugiato (farina di grano tenero tipo 0, lievito di birra, sale), fiocco di patate (patate disidratate (99%), spezie), albume, sale, aroma naturale.

Tempo di cottura: 3 minuti

La ricetta dei ravioloni ricotta e spinaci


Per il ripieno:
300 gr. di ricotta
100 gr. di spinaci lessati
5 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato

noce moscata

Per la pasta fresca:
3 uova
400 gr. di farina
acqua q.b.


La ricetta inzia con la preparazione del ripieno. Lessare gli spinaci, sgocciolarli, strizzarli bene, tritarli e farli asciugare in un tegame con una noce di burro. Lasciare intiepidire la verdura, quindi unire la ricotta e il parmigiano grattugiato, sale e una grattata di noce moscata e mescolare bene fino a ottenere un composto omogneo. Trasferire poi il composto in una terrina e incorporarvi un uovo intero, dopodichè lasciare riposare in frigorifero per almeno una mezz’ora.

La preparazione della pasta inzia con il setacciare con cura la farina sulla spianatoia, formare la classica fontana, quindi mettervi al centro le uova e un pizzico di sale. Sbattere con una forchetta di legno le uova, quindi iniziare a incorporare la farina con la punta delle dita, partendo dai bordi della fontana. Lavorare con le mani il composto per 15-20 minuti, amalgamando bene gli ingredienti e avendo cura di cospargere di tanto in tanto la spianatoia con un poco di farina. Continuare in questo modo fino a ottenere un impasto sodo e omogeneo, poi, quando nella pasta iniziano a vedersi delle bollicine, raccoglierla formando una palla. Lasciarla riposare in una ciotola per mezz’ora.

La preparazione finale dei ravioloni  inizia con lo stendere l’impasto in due sfoglie e distribuire su una di esse il ripieno a mucchietti ben distanziati tra loro. Coprire quindi la sfoglia con il ripieno con l’altra sfoglia di pasta, schiacciando con le dita attorno a i mucchietti di ripieno per sigillare le due sfoglie, servendosi di una rotella tagliapasta per ritagliare i ravioli in quadrati omogenei.

Gli altri prodotti del Pastificio Fontana

Ricette tradizionali realizzate con i più innovativi sistemi di produzione e conservazione del prodotto.

Nei laboratori del Pastificio Fontana la tecnologia affianca la produzione, sebbene molte fasi siano ancora totalmente eseguite a mano.

Il risultato è una pasta con sapore e consistenza tipica della pasta fresca fatta in casa.

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